Type System of Disp

While the type system of Disp can be literally any computable program, disp will have its own standard type system defined in the standard context that will allow for the creation of programs optimisable to a level at or beyond the speed of C and Rust.

The standard type system for disp should be:

  • Simple
    • Relatively few core inference rules
    • More complex types are constructed from a few simple primitive type constructors.
  • Fast
    • Types that reflect hardware primitives (such as machinecode) should be representable and the type system should be able to reason about equivalence between inefficient high-level types and efficient low-level types.
  • Consistent
    • Logic of types should be consistent
    • Type checking should never loop indefinitely
  • Representative
    • The standard type system for Disp aims to be a viable foundation for all of mathematics.

Substructural Types

For a systems language, runtime overhead must be kept to a minimum. This means that the restrictions on lifetime and movability of heap and stack allocations should be modeled and enforced at compile time, instead of relying on a runtime methods such as garbage collection or reference counting.

Disp uses a type system that divides terms and types into 3 categories:


  • This includes most types, type constructors, and terms that can fit in a single CPU register.
  • Unrestricted objects may be moved around and duplicated at will in a program and don't require a specific function defining how they are deallocated.


  • This includes terms allocated on the heap, mostly structures with variable-length allocations.
  • Linear objects must be used in each context exactly once and must define at least one destructor or else it won't typecheck.
  • Linear objects may contain unrestricted objects, just like how heap-allocated objects may contain numbers that can be stored in registers.
  • Examples: ATS, Rust kinda


  • This includes any term allocated on the stack, which is pretty much anything else.
  • Ordered objects must be used in each context exactly once and can only be used in reverse-order of allocation (like a stack).
  • Ordered objects may contain unrestricted or linear objects.
  • Examples: Webassembly, Porth

A paper outlining a potential framework for a type system unifying all 3 of these substructural modes can be found here.

Minimal Type Theory

In order for Disp to be able to double as a general-purpose theorem prover, the ideas from this paper describing a Minimal Type Theory (mTT) may be used.
