A user should be able to choose how strong the link between the data they publish and themselves is. (i.e. optional / zk proof / ring signature signing)
Flexible Privacy
A user should be able to choose to a reasonable extent who can see the data they publish. (i.e. one-to-many group-based publishing)
Multi-device support & Realistic recovery mechanisms from compromised devices.
If a user looses access to their devices or a mechanism of authentication (password) or device gets compromised, there should be realistic mechanisms to recover the damage both to the public and privately.
Anonymous Collective Feedback
For mechanisms of collective feedback (like/dislike counters, analytics), the data associated with the feedback event should not in general be attributable to a particular group, but should be verifiable that it was a unique member of the group that did the feedback.
Flexible Storage Permissions
Encrypted data associated with a user, stored across many different computers, should support permission hierarchies based on the sensitivity of the data. I.e. requiring more factors of authentication.
Web-of-trust Identity
Data associated with a user's identity should be vouchable by other users (in a web-of-trust) or by mechanistic processes. The identifying data should